I hope to have an initial posting about making cold connected mixed metal beads up soon. I've started 3 other blogs and have been working a couple of them a lot, especially MixedMetalJewels. Check there to see some of the beads that I'm talking about. It's now mid February of 2013 and I hope to have a posting here in the next few weeks, pleae check back. I‘m starting this blog as a way to share what I’ve learned about working with metal in creating jewelry forms for over 40 years. In my studio over those years I’ve taught about 30 people to make jewelry and for the last 15 years I’ve taught workshops at the Mendocino Art Center. As I find 70 years old I’m making some changes and simplifying my life and as part of that plan I’m intending to stop teaching workshops. BUT I still want to find a way to help people who are interested in learning the techniques that I use in making my mixed metal jewels. I’m hoping that the blog will help with that effort and when I have the information organized, crisp & accessible I also hope to put it into a book form.
The blog will grow a bit at a time so I hope you’ll check back in periodically and also give me some feedback so I’ll know if I’m doing OK with it. I will also try to answer questions about any aspect of the techniques if you’ll ask them in an email. I'm going to start out with the technique of texturing metal using a process called roller printing which is what created the textures on the jewels in the pictures to the right and left of this writing.